Thursday, January 27, 2011

What's going on with my body?!

Being pregnant does all sorts of weird things to your body.  Probably because its not just 'your' body anymore, you're sharing it with another human being (weird!), almost like renting it out!  I guess I should consider myself lucky, considering I went over half of my pregnancy without any of the awful symptoms- morning sickness, fatigue, dizziness.  I will tell you what though, the last few months have definitely caught up with me!  My personal biggest gripes are my massive boat-sized feet, never EVER getting enough sleep, swelling of just about everything, and back pain.  Check out these pictures:

They look like they belong to an 800 pound woman

Kevin has made up some wonderful names for my clunkers:  memory foam feet, flotation device feet, and T-Rex feet, just to name a few.

Last night I made another discovery that we got a huge kick out of:

Hahaha! Regardless of the temporary discomfort that pregnancy can cause, there really is nothing better than knowing you are carrying your child and feeling them kick and grow inside your belly.  It has been an honor and a blessing....and now it's time for the little boy to come on out!

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